INTO MY BLUE started from the need to overcome my anxiety and make something out of it. One day I got asked what my favourite colour was, ‘’ green ‘’, I said. The next question was ‘’ with what colour would you describe your worries? ‘’ Without hesitation I responded ‘’ a blinding yellow! ‘’ After that conversation it was clear to me that yellow, the colour of my struggles and bad thoughts, was indeed essential in order to make green, my favourite ever colour. The second colour I needed was blue so I started to think how I could incorporate blue into my yellow and make something out of a time where a pandemic and all of its ongoing negativities and uncertainties seemed to soak up all my energies. So, I found a small way to react to something I don’t have any control of and experiment with Cyanotype, a photographic printing process that produces a cyan-blue print through the reaction of two chemicals, mixing together my passion for photography with botany and flowers.